2024 Swim Lesson Registration - Session 2



  • Registration Opens:
    • Members: Mon, 3/22
    • Non-members: Mon, 4/8 @ 9am
  • Price:
    • Members: $85; Non-members: $115
    • (NOTE: Logged in members have $30 discount applied at check-out.)
  • Session 1 Days/Times: Session 2 runs from 7/8 – 7/18. Lessons are offered for members and non-members in 8-day, 30-minute sessions (Monday – Thursday) between the hours of 11am – 1pm starting every half hour.


  • Payment: Payment is required at the time of registration and done online. Credit/debit cards, PayPal, and Venmo are accepted. For members, you need to be logged in to the website with your membership account at the time of registration to receive your membership discount.
  • Member Registration: Limited to immediate family members (including grandchildren).
  • Cancellation/Change Policy: We try to do our best to accommodate changes and cancellations that arise if they are communicated in a timely manner. To see our policy and process please go to our Swim Lesson Change and Cancellation Info page.
  • Non-members receive 1-hour family pass: With purchase of every group swim lesson, non-members will be able to use the pool as a family for an hour. They will be able to do so by showing their child’s swim lesson report card at the time of usage. (Please note: Last day of the season to use lesson cards is Friday, September 6th.)
  • Signing-up for Appropriate Level: If you are a returning swimmer, please sign up for the appropriate level class. Class descriptions are found below. If you have additional questions on class levels, please reach out to our swim lessons coordinator (Brianne Hartung Pan).
MINNOW I (for ages 4 – 5)
  • For Ages: 4 – 5
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-5
  • Description: This class recognizes the developmental stage of children this age. They are designed to move the young swimmer from comfort and enjoyment of the water to basic strokes. Patience and fun are emphasized.
  • Registration Criteria: This class is for the first-time lesson taker.
Minnow I – Skills focus:
The following skills will be taught. Prior to moving to Minnow II the swimmer must be able to perform all the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Comfortable in water
  • Face in water – 5 count
  • Face float – assisted
  • Back float – assisted
  • Assisted kick on front
  • Assisted kick on back
  • Stand on bottom of pool in shallow end and duck head completely
  • Deep water exposure
  • Safety Rules
Minnow I Classes
MINNOW II (for ages 4 – 5)
  • For Ages: 4 – 5
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-5
  • Description: This class recognizes the developmental stage of children this age. They are designed to move the young swimmer from comfort and enjoyment of the water to basic strokes. Patience and fun are emphasized.
  • Registration Criteria: To register for this class your child must be able to perform all skills taught in Minnow I.
Minnow II – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Minnow II, prior to moving to Minnow III the swimmer must be able to perform the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Pick up ring from bottom step
  • Face float – unassisted – 10 seconds
  • Back float – unassisted
  • Kick on front – unassisted – 10 feet
  • Bob to bottom of 4 feet
  • Jump off wall
  • Introduction to sitting dives
  • Rhythmic breathing with kick
  • Safety Rules
Minnow II Classes
MINNOW III (for ages 4 – 5)
  • For Ages: 4 – 5
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-5
  • Description: This class is for little ones who are very comfortable in the water and can easily float anywhere in the pool. While they may be comfortable playing in the water, they are ready to learn the basic coordination required for traditional strokes.
  • Registration Criteria: To register for this class your child must be able to perform all skills taught in Minnow II.
Minnow III – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Minnow III, prior to moving to Beginner I the swimmer must be able to perform the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Crawl stroke, with side breathing, across pool
  • Flat on front, 10 seconds; turn to back and float 10 seconds; turn to front and float 10 seconds
  • Backstroke
  • Kick with kickboard alone, halfway across the pool
  • Jump off side into deep water
  • Introduction to sitting and kneeling dives
  • Retrieve ring from bottom of pool at shallow end
  • Tread water
  • Safety Rules
Minnow III Classes
PRE-FLOATER (ages 5 & up)
  • For Ages: 5 & up
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-5
  • Description: This class is for older children who need to become comfortable in the water. They will work toward putting their face in the water and ultimately floating. These children usually have some real fear of the water, so patience will be emphasized.
  • Registration Criteria: This class is for older swimmers who are first time lesson takers.
Pre-Floater – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Pre-Floater, prior to moving to Floater the swimmer must be able to perform the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Comfortable in water
  • Duck head underwater
  • Face in water – 10 count
  • Pick up ring from bottom step
  • Kick with kickboard
  • Front float – 10 count
  • Back float
  • Introduction to crawl stroke
  • Introduction to backstroke
  • Jump off wall
  • Bobbing
  • Safety Rules
Pre-Floater Classes
FLOATER (ages 5 & up)
  • For Ages: 5 & up
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-5
  • Description: This class is for older children who are somewhat comfortable in the water, can put their face in the water for a period of time, and are floating well. We will work on many prerequisites to swimming, like kicking and using their arms.
  • Registration Criteria: To register for this class your child must be and older swimmer and able to perform all skills taught in Pre-Floater.
Floater – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Floater, prior to moving to Beginner I the swimmer must be able to perform the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Float and kick – 10 feet
  • Crawl stroke
  • Back float
  • Backstroke – assisted
  • Kick with kickboard alone across 3 lines
  • Jump from wall in deep end
  • Rhythmic breathing
  • Safety Rules
Floater Classes
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-6
  • Description: These swimmers are ready for the complicated coordination required of the crawl stroke. Students will also spend a great deal of time on their back and doing other activities to increase their confidence in deeper water. Correct technique will come before distance, and safety will be stressed.
  • Registration Criteria: To register for this class your child must be able to perform all skills taught in Minnow III (5yo and under) or Floater (6yo and over).
Beginner I – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Beginner I, prior to moving to Beginner II the swimmer must be able to perform the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Crawl stroke, with side breathing, across pool
  • Flat on front, 10 seconds; turn to back and float 10 seconds; turn to front and float 10 seconds
  • Backstroke
  • Kick with kickboard alone, halfway across the pool
  • Jump off side into deep water
  • Introduction to sitting and kneeling dives
  • Retrieve ring from bottom of pool at shallow end
  • Tread water
  • Safety Rules
Beginner I Classes
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-6
  • Description: The crawl stroke will be improved (an emphasis placed on side breathing), more time spent on their back. Other skills are introduced such as treading water, underwater swimming, and diving from the side of the pool.
  • Registration Criteria: To register for this class your child must be able to perform all skills taught in Beginner I.
Beginner II – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Beginner II, prior to moving to Advanced Beginner the swimmer must be able to perform the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Crawl stroke the length of the pool with good form
  • Backstroke width of the pool
  • Unassisted kick on the back 15 feet
  • Kick with kickboard a length of the pool
  • Swim underwater from the wall across 2 lines
  • Tread water in deep end for 20 seconds
  • Introduction to standing dives
  • Retrieve ring from bottom of pool at middle depth
  • Comfortable switching from back to front
  • Safety Rules
Beginner II Classes
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-8
  • Description: This class will continue the progression towards a relaxed and efficient crawl stroke and backstroke. The breaststroke kick will be introduced. There will also be an increase in drills to help with continued skill development.
  • Registration Criteria: To register for this class your child must be able to perform all skills taught in Beginner II.
Advanced Beginner – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Advanced Beginner, prior to moving to Beginner Intermediate the swimmer must be able to perform the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Crawl stroke the 2 lengths of the pool with good form
  • Kick 2 lengths of the pool with kickboard
  • Tread water for 1 minute
  • Dive off side at deep end and retrieve ring from bottom
  • Standing dive and swim 15 feet underwater
  • Swim backstroke 1 length of the pool
  • Introduction to breaststroke kick
  • Introduction to breaststroke arms
  • Safety Rules; assisting others
Advanced Beginner Classes
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-8
  • Description: This class offers continued stroke development through increased distances. Breaststroke will be introduced.
  • Registration Criteria: To register for this class your child must be able to perform all skills taught in Advanced Beginner.
Beginner Intermediate – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Beginner Intermediate, prior to moving to Intermediate the swimmer must be able to perform the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Swim crawl stroke 4 lengths of the pool with correct form
  • Unassisted kick on back half way across the pool
  • Kick with kickboard 3 lengths of the pool
  • Tread water for 1.5 minutes in deep end
  • Surface dive and retrieve ring from the bottom of the pool at deep end
  • Backstroke 2 lengths of the pool
  • Breaststroke with reasonable form
  • Introduction to butterfly kick
  • Introduction to racing dives from blocks
  • Safety Rules; assisting others
Beginner Intermediate Classes
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-8
  • Description: Strokes will continue to be improved with a great deal of emphasis on the breaststroke, a difficult yet valuable stroke. This class is often repeated by a swimmer because the skills take time to perfect.
  • Registration Criteria: To register for this class your child must be able to perform all skills taught in Beginner Intermediate.
Intermediate – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Intermediate, prior to moving to Racing the swimmer must be able to perform the following skills or receive a passing report card from their instructor.
  • Swim crawl stroke 5 lengths of the pool with correct form
  • Unassisted kick on back 1 length of the pool
  • Swim width of pool underwater, with 1 breath
  • Kick with kickboard 4 lengths of the pool
  • Swim backstroke 2 lengths of the pool
  • Breaststroke 1 length of the pool with proper coordination
  • Tread water in deep end for 2 minutes
  • Introduction to butterfly stroke
  • Surface dive and retrieve ring from the bottom of the pool at deep end
  • Safety Rules; assisting others
Intermediate Classes
  • Teacher-to-Student Ratio (Max): 1-to-8
  • Description: This class offers an emphasis on competitive strokes and turns, and designed to help a swim team member. Swim team workouts are not always the best place to makes sure strokes are efficient and correct, Racing is an opportunity for focused time on getting the right technique.
  • Registration Criteria: To register for this class your child must be able to perform all skills taught in Intermediate.
Racing – Skills Focus:
The following skills will be taught in Racing (the top level offered in our swim lesson program). Not all of these skills are taught every session and the skills taught are dependent upon the age and skills of the class. An option for continued focus would potentially be private lessons, but students often take Racing a number of times to focus and refine their skills.
  • Focus on refining technique for all competitive strokes
  • Streamlining dive and breakout off blocks
  • Introduction and improvement of freestyle flip turn
  • Introduction and improvement of backstroke stroke count and turns
  • Introduction and improvement of open breaststroke and butterfly turns
  • Introduction and improvement of IM turns
  • Legal finish instruction
  • Introduction of relay starts
  • Swim freestyle 4 lengths of pool with efficient stroke and flip turns
  • Swim backstroke 2 lengths of pool with efficient stroke and flip turn
  • Swim breaststroke 2 lengths of pool with legal efficient stroke, underwater pull and open turn
  • Swim butterfly 1 length of the pool of legal efficient stroke and finish.
  • Swim 100 IM
  • Safety Rules; assisting others
Racing Classes