Craternoons, movie nights, Floatie Fridays, and so much more.
Get your groove on under the disco ball at the VRSTC clubhouse! Pizza, drinks, and dessert will be served as you hang out with VRSTC friends and dance the night away.
Adult only days with complimentary beverages, ice cream bars, and food service.
Bring your favorite bottle of wine to share stories and cheer with your friends – old and new on the upper deck of VRSTC. Cheese will be provided.
All members are invited to enjoy a BBQ View Ridge style. All food and drink is provided. Bring a dessert to share, a healthy appetite, and your family to our annual Back to Summer BBQ.
Spend the evening with friends playing your favorite board game and eating brownies. Bring a board game and or playing cars from home to share with others.
Enjoy dinner at the pool with the tasty food from a local food truck. Food Truck choices will be made available via email blast or on the bulletin board. Keep an eye out!
Gone are the days of walking out on the greased pole jetting out over the high dive, but there’s still plenty of fun to be had by all! Money dive, sack races, tug-o-war, candy hunt, three-legged race, watermelon eating… lots of old-fashioned fun!
All members ages 8 – 12 are invited to bring a tent, sleeping bag and their favorite teddy bear to this beloved annual event at the pool for a night of hanging out, swimming, and sleeping under the stars. Sign up in the office. This event is a terrific opportunity for parents to chaperone and help support a night of fun. No guests.