Minnow I – Add to Waitlist

To be added to the Minnow I waitlist please fill out the below waitlist form. You will be contacted in the case where a spot or class opens up for your preferred time.

Contact Info

Parent contact information used to communicate if spot in class opens up.

Desired Lesson Session

What lesson dates are you desiring to be put on the waitlist for and/or to be alerted of an opening if it arises?

Preferred Class Time

Enter preferred class time. If a couple work, choose the best and enter additional information in the NOTES field. Choose Flexible if any works. NOTE: Not all class levels are offered at all times.


Enter any additional relevent information, including any additional information about preferred class time if selection in Preferred Class Time doesn't totally communicate situation for some reason.

Submissions closed as of Sunday, Sep 01, 2024